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Monday, October 14, 2013

Give Up the Weight Loss Battle and Start Working With Your Body to Lose the Pounds

Do you feel like you are constantly in a weight loss battle with your body? This is a battle you cannot win but you can lose weight if you stop fighting against your body and start working with it to get the pounds to drop off. If you can spare just a couple of minutes to read this article you will discover how cooperating with your body's natural rhythms and needs is the ultimate road to success.

Give up the Weight Loss Battle

1. The calorie war. If you strictly limit your calorie intake your body will rebel by slowing down your metabolism making it harder to burn fat. As you lower your calories more your metabolism slows even more. You cannot win this war but you can get your body to boost your metabolism back up again to keep the fat burning off.

The secret is to reassure your body that it can have more calories if needed and you do this by intentionally increasing your calories for one day out of your dieting week (25-50% increase works well). This is enough to rebound your metabolism and the great thing is that it rebounds faster than your body can make new fat.

2. Time when you eat carbohydrates. Your body loves to burn carbs for energy because they are easy to break down. When you eat carbs in the morning and afternoon, a period of time when your body needs energy, they quickly get burned off. However these same carbs will be stored as fat in the evening because your natural energy needs drop.

Work with your body by finishing eating carbs by mid-day and limiting them in the evening and you will convert fewer carbs to fat.

3. Combine cardio and weight training. Make your exercise count by combining cardio exercise for burning calories with weight training which builds muscle and burns fat. Simple alternate back and forth between the two exercises and reap up to 44% higher fat burning.

Give up the weight loss battle and start working with your body, you will feel more at ease and you will be lighter.

For More Related Topics Blog: What Can You Do To Lose Weight Fast

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